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Specimen Testing

Research Specimen Testing with USDTL

USDTL is a supporter of research projects around the globe. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for research specimen testing for your institution, please fill out the form and we will reach out to you upon review.

Please fill out our research questionnaire below to be considered for partnership.

* Required

Name of Institution: *

Project Title: *

Primary Contact: *

Primary Contact Email: *

Primary Contact Phone: *

What is your research objective? *

Why do you want to include biological monitoring for this project? *

What is the expected total volume for this project? *

What Specimen types (Fingernail, Hair, PEth, Urine, Umbilical Cord Tissue, Meconium) are being considered for this project? *

What type of collection will you be doing: *
One time collection
Multiple collections
Check this box if the specimens are already collected? 


Number of specimens to send each month? *

Specimen Frequency:

Specimen Frequency (other): 

What panel is being considered for this project? 

What is the duration of the funding for this project? *

When is the expected start date? *

When is the expected end date? *

What is the expected positivity rate %?*

Have you included biological monitoring in previous projects?

If so, were you satisfied with the results and support? Please explain.

Principal Investigator Title: *

Principal Investigator First Name: *

Principal Investigator Last Name: *

Are you applying or have you applied for NIH funding?

If No, what’s the source of funding?

Is this study a continuation of a previous study?

If Yes, what’s the name of the study?

Principal Investigator Email: *

Principal Investigator Address: *

City: *

State: *

Zipcode/Postalcode: *

Country: *

Contact USDTL
